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Need help fixing Website and taught how to do it myself WordPress

Website Designer is unavailable to continue to update website and I need step by step help on how to use
Wordpress and maintain my website.

Answers (2)


Christianto answers:

Hi Queenetta Parris.

Please PM me your url, and what job to be done next for your site..

Thank you

Queenetta Parris comments:

Here's my domain, is this what you need?

Also, the changes needed is a pretty long list:

1) Home page that has slide show at top, the following need to happen:
* Remove the picture of Bishop & Mother together and replace with a picture of the church building.
* The Slide portion of that slide show that had "Bishop, Overseer/Founder & COJCHOP INC" needs removed completely. or words for each slide need added to describe who's in the picture.

2) Testimonies Tab need added to top of page or a Link under New Members on Sidebar.

3) Featured Video need moved to archive, and replaced with the new one on YOUTUBE titled: Men 2 Boys Workshop Praise Dance.

4) The Oracle & Spelling Contestant pictures need moved over with the other pictures under HOP Highlights with the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Festivities.

5) The area where the Spelling Contestant pictures were, will be replaced with space for Audio, Video, or Typing titled: 1st Step Teaching from our National Mother & another section titled: Scripture Reading from our Assistant Pastor (He wants this posted by Thursday the 14th Isaiah 40:28 - 31.)

6) Under HOP Media Ministry, instructions on how to add new Audio with picture just like Elder McCoy's, and how to add new Video with picture just like Elder McCoy's..

7) Last but not least, instructions on how to show hits on website for all to view, how to check the numbers, and how to update and add in tag words.


Denzel Chia answers:

Hi Queenetta,

I am available to help, my rate is USD $30 per hour.
I will only charge you for the time spent, and will not over charge you.

You can email me your question, and I can reply with instructions and perhaps screenshots to guide you. If it is too difficult, I can log into your blog and setup an example for you.
I can also send you code examples.

You can send me an email to [email protected], if you need my help.


Queenetta Parris comments:

I've sent you a email message