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Need help customizing a wordpress template and meta boxes WordPress

Hello. I bought a WP theme (my first!) and I'm working on getting this setup on my website I'm hoping to build a large repository of quality recipes. I'd like to be able to have external users submit their recipe ideas using a template with standard questions, which the theme has already. However, the theme is more designed for cooking/baking as opposed to Beer Recipes. According to the person I bought the theme from, he suggested I find someone to help, "...modify submit recipe template but you also need to modify meta boxes and then modify recipe single page to display appropriate information that you need."

Right now the submit recipe page has the following text/drop down fields:
Yield - Text field
Services - Text field
Prep Time - Text field
Cook Time - Text field
Ready In - Text field
Recipe Type - Drop down
Cuisine - Drop Down
Course - Drop Down
Skill Level - Drop down

I'd like to work with someone to add/change these to be relevant to beer brewing. I'd like items, such as (There's a few more to add, but this is the basis of the change)
Ingredients (text box)
Original Gravity (drop down)
Final Gravity (drop down)
Color (drop down)
Bitterness (drop down)
Alcohol (ddrop down)

Answers (4)


Arnav Joy answers:

please check your pm

Arnav Joy comments:

As Just Me said you can rename some of the already defined fields to use for your theme.

I can not tell you the exact location where these fields are defined in your theme files , but I can make it for you , I need to see the files , please either provide me access to the files or send me all the files , I will create and tell you how you can change the meta boxes.


Julio Potier answers:

@Arnav Joy : You have to answer and help people here, not just sending PM. This is not how WPQ has been designed ...


Just Me answers:

Not sure what you are capable of doing yourself, but a start would be to find the recipe template and rename some of the fields already there.

Find the recipe single.php file and make the same name adjustments there.

I expect this can all be done in WP-Admin Appearance, Editor.

If you can find some logic in what you see, you will probably be able to add some new fields and/or delete some already there.

If you'd rather have someone do it for you send me a message through my profile.


Denis Leblanc answers:

I'm guessing these fields are baked into the theme itself, with no customization function from the theme settings page, so I'd have a look in the single.php file like 'Just Me' mentions. But, there's a better chance that you'll find that code in the functions.php file of an include file of some sorts. If you're not much of a programer then it's going to be a little tough for you.

Another option would be to recreate the form using Gravity Forms, which you can set up to have the form enter the user submitted data into new posts.
