I'm currently using the following code to make an event calendar that shows future events...
<?php query_posts('cat=4&showposts=-1&post_status=future&order=ASC'); ?>
The problem is, this removes the event on the day of the event. How do i write query that shows future posts through the day of the post (i.e. post date for Apr 25, 2010 would not fall off until Apr 26, 2010)
Monster Coder answers:
this should solve your problem:
$posts = query_posts('post_status=future,publish');
foreach ($posts as $post){
$pm = date('m');
$pd = date('d');
$py = date('y');
if(strtotime($post->post_date) >= mktime(null,null,null,$pm,$pd,$py)){
echo $post->post_title .PHP_EOL;
it will list only a few posts. to increase number of posts, change the query using showposts.
$posts = query_posts('post_status=future,publish&showposts=50');
Rex Stevens comments:
This worked flawlessly, thank you!
David Bernhard answers:
Hey there, had the same issue too.
Solved this with a "Previous Events" block i found there: http://webdemar.com/wordpress/display-future-posts-in-your-wordpress-theme/
i hope i could help you
Rex Stevens comments:
This website wasn't exactly what i needed but thanks for answering.