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Need fix for possible jQuery conflict: Theme / dsIDXpress plugin WordPress


I am trying to use the WordPress Theme Traject

with the Real Estate Listing Plugin dsIDXpress

The plugin works fine when used with the WP Twenty Ten Theme and some other themes, but there are layout issues with the Traject Theme.

The issue apparently relates to a jQuery conflict with the dsidxpress plugin, used to generate the listing detail pages. For a different theme, with the same issue, the plugin developer suggests:

<blockquote>The issue is that dsIDXpress is using a jQuery addon that is included via wordpress. Wordpress is then dropping that addon directly after jQuery proper. Long story short: just remove the jQuery <script> tag from your theme's php.</blockquote>

I tried using <blockquote>[raw][/raw]</blockquote> when using the plugin shortcode, but that doesn't work for the listing detail page. I also found a plugin (TRUEedit) that seemed to make it work, but caused issues with other formatting.

I am looking for someone that can help me fix the Traject Theme rather than the plugin, due to frequent plugin update releases.

You can checkout the layout problem here:

(This is a new WP installation and the only plugin installed is dsidxress)

Thank you!

Additional Resources relating to similar problems of other themes with plugin:

Answers (8)


Christianto answers:

I really don't think is a jQuery problem. There are no conflict or responsibility to remove jQuery tag.
Did you ask the developer and he respond it with something that you quote:
The issue is that dsIDXpress is using a jQuery addon that is included via wordpress. Wordpress is then dropping that addon directly after jQuery proper. Long story short: just remove the jQuery <script> tag from your theme's php.

What is shortcode to generate this..
I only found 2 shortcode on the plugin <em>idx-listing</em> and <em>idx-listings</em>

Peter Upahl comments:


thanks for the reply, I think there may be just two shortcodes, and you can add variables to them such as city, zip code, price range etc. The developer suggestion is for a different theme which has the same problems. The variables for the plugin are here:

Christianto comments:

For the shortcode you should enclose your shortcode with [raw][/raw].

For the listing detail you can try this:

Backup your shortcode_formatter function in shortcode.php
Change the shortcode_formater function with

function shortcode_formatter($content) {
$new_content = '';
$pattern_full = '{(\[raw\].*?\[/raw\])}is';
$pattern_contents = '{\[raw\](.*?)\[/raw\]}is';
$pieces = preg_split($pattern_full, $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
if (preg_match($pattern_contents, $piece, $matches)) {
$new_content .= $matches[1];
} else {
$new_content .= $piece;
} else {
$new_content .= wptexturize(wpautop($piece));

return $new_content;

Change 'id="dsidx"' to 'dsidx' if it doesn't work..

I used to deal with user with themefore$t theme, and seem the shortcode_formatter function is copied from one theme to another. Since it copied, most theme has the same formating issue. Now it happen to you using dsIDXpress plugin.

Let us know the result..

Peter Upahl comments:


thanks again, your suggestion partially worked.

I added [raw][/raw] to the shortcode for the listings:

[raw][idx-listings city="Tampa" propertytypes="122" orderby="DateAdded" orderdir="DESC" count="10" showlargerphotos="true"][/raw]

this formats the listings correctly, but messes up the legal disclaimer in the footer section.

Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this?

I replaced the function shortcode_formatter with yours as you suggested. The detailed property listing page looks fine now except theres a small column next to the property description. Still AWESOME suggestion, Thank you!

Christianto comments:

Sorry for late reply, I need to rest..

How did you fill the disclaimer text/HTML?
Automatically fetch from or from wp backend panel?
And did the wp_footer() on your theme footer.php is enclose with any wrapper?

The footer discaimer on your site aren't enclosed with any wrapper, other that <body>, you may structure it with a html and adjust its style so it will appear as you wish..

Christianto comments:

Don't edit the footer.php to structuring its html, but if edit it from backend(if exists) where you add the disclaimer text.

Its impossible for us to test the plugin on the theme, the theme is paid, the plugin only a tools of paid service for broker :(

Christianto comments:

sorry, there are typo on my statement..


derekshirk answers:

I would look into using the preferred Wordpress method for calling jQuery in no conflict mode:

Also, you could make sure that the plugin is set for no conflict mode:

Peter Upahl comments:


Thank you for the reply, I tried this but not sure if I did it right as it had no effect on how the listings are displayed.


Maor Barazany answers:

Have you tried what he suggested and removed jQuery tag from your theme's php?
It is probably located in the header.php file of the theme.

Peter Upahl comments:


thanks for the reply. The suggested fix from the developer is for a different theme. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with code but tried to remove a jQuery entry, and the result was the same. I can post the header file if you want to check it out?


Lucas Wynne answers:

Disable all your WP plugins. If it now works go back through and enable them 1 by 1 until you find the culprit.

If that didn't work, try to remove the code that calls up jQuery and see if that does.

Peter Upahl comments:


thanks for the reply. I don't have any plugins installed except the one in question. Also, the WordPress installation is brand new.


Chad Von Lind answers:

Looking at the source code for your tampa-listings page. On line 151 you have this html with bad code.

See more <a href="/tampa/idx/city/tampa/?idx-q-PropertyTypes<0>=122&#8243;><br />

The error is the missing quote symbol for the href tag. This should be in a theme template file. Correcting this, will correct your layout problems.

That is the only error of the page, but there are several warnings that could use some attention as well.

Peter Upahl comments:


thanks for the reply. Any suggestions on how to find the missing quote symbol?


Just Me answers:

Sorry to disagree on the missing quote. It is not the quote but the multiple <br> showing up at weird places. Not sure if it is a case of wrong formatting or wrong replace action from a script. Would have to see some code of the page generating this output.

Just Me comments:

If it is an empty WP installation, maybe you would be willing to give me temporary access to your admin section. You can send a message using my profile.


Khanh Cao answers:

Would you mind sending me the theme to make it easier for me to figure it out?


Denzel Chia answers:


If you would me to help you fix it. Please create and send me an admin access and ftp access of your blog to [email protected]
