Hi all,
I hope this isn't inappropriate. If this type of request isn't allowed, please let me know...
I'm trying to find someone who could help me while I install and slightly customize a responsive WordPress theme. I find many themes that are exciting and tempting to use, but I soon hit a wall, and would like to find someone who has patience and knowledge to help me figure things out.
I know HTML and CSS quite a bit, I would do the work required, so it's just a question of having someone to interact with and ask questions.
I'm ready to pay $10 an hour. If you are interested, please contact me as per WPQuestions website format and rules.
Andre Lefebvre
Asad Iqbal answers:
I'm interested.
styzer comments:
Hi Asad,
Thank you for your reply...
Do you have specific experience with responsive WP themes?
Have you worked with Theme Forest themes or Elegant Themes before?
Also, what time zone are you in? I am in western Canada, Mountain Time (it's about 5:05 pm right now).
Asad Iqbal comments:
Hi Andres,
I've experience with premium theme, I'm in GMT+6 and it is 5:03 AM here. Please contact with me through inbox, I can share some recent work there. Just don't want to share those link publicly.
- Asad
Pixel Coder answers:
Andre hello,
I'd love to offer you some coaching with WordPress themes / responsive design. Theme forest themes are usually to a solid standard although the code can be a little verbose at times and difficult to work with.
This may or may not slow down the speed of your learning.
Also, at $10.00 per hour being in Scotland and a few years doing WordPress themes that wouldn't cover my expense.
However if you can up your budget, I'd be willing to work with you with some items.
styzer comments:
Hi Pixel Coder,
My budget is $10/hre. but thank you for your interest.
Pixel Coder comments:
No worries man... Best place to start imo... http://net.tutsplus.com