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Need an estimate on quick search dropdown script WordPress

I am trying to build a search dropdown like on and/or If you can provide me with the script and some basic instructions I can figure out the rest hopefully. Just let me know how much you might charge.

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

are you talking about the serach box , when you hover on it and it appears?

Jagst3r21 comments:

Yes, I currently have a font icon from icomoon in the header like this:

<li><a href=""><span data-icon="" aria-hidden="true"></a></li>.

When the user hovers the dropdown search should appear like on the two example sites I showed. This topic is just for an estimate though so I know the price.


Susanta K Beura answers:


Can we discuss more about it on skype? My skype id is susanta.k

Thank you.

Susanta K Beura (aka WP-Guru)