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Need an Accordion and Tab Shortcode WordPress

I'm looking for two shortcodes I can build into my themes - <strong>an accordion shortcode and a tabs shortcode</strong>. I'm reselling themes so an APPROPRIATE LICENSE MUST BE AVAILABLE. Provide me one and get half the money, provide me both and get it all! I will pick the best code provided. <strong>They MUST meet the following requirements.</strong>

- Provide me with a link to the original source of the code you're using so I can check the license, I NEED TO BE ABLE TO RESELL THIS WITH MY THEMES NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
- jQuery
- Must be able to add anythings to the tabs: images, text, YouTube videos, etc.
- The less code intensive the better
- Provide me with what to paste in my functions, header, and CSS
- Comment your code so I know where the accordion/tabs start and end
- Provide me with the shortcode, <strong>the simpler the better</strong>
- The accordion MUST have a default of the content not being displayed, but display content upon click (basically, normal accordion functionality)

<strong>Provide me all the code and where to put it, don't assume I'm a javascript or PHP expert, because I'm not! I'm a designer.</strong>

Here is an example of the functionality I like: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Answers (4)


Julio Potier answers:

<blockquote>Provide me one and get half the money, provide me both and get it all!</blockquote>
Yeah ! $17 !

You give a complete specification, this is not a "question", this is a "job order".
Sorry, i won't try but suggest a bigger win price...
I even don't think you can "ask" this here.

<em>ps : you use too often "must be" and "provide me", we are not your slaves.</em>

Lucas Wynne comments:

I don't understand your response. I'm busy working on other client projects right now and don't have time to do this myself. I can do this in HTML5 rather easily but I'm interested in jQuery. Personally, I'm not a jQuery expert and I would assume somebody has already done this and will just copy and paste what they did. $17 is more than fair for a copy and paste. If it takes you longer than 15 minutes to pull off a code like this, you're probably unemployable... and I doubt you command $68/hour.


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Lucas,

Why not use the one you list as an example?

GPL does not mean you can't sell it ;-)


Lucas Wynne comments:

Yeah, but it doesn't help me sleep at night :-P

Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi Lucas,

Then donate the $17 to the author, surely he won't be offended.

Like, you are not stealing the code or something smiliar, are you?

It is already GPL, you only can't claim it is yours. Or am I getting it wrongly?


Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi Lucas,

But will not your themes be GPL?

I think they all must be, because WordPress is.

May I kindly suggest that you check your situation.

As I said before, GPL does not means that you can't sell it.



Luis Cordova answers:

what is the problem here?


Luke America answers:


I've written a Tabs shortcode that should meet your specs.

It's composed of PHP, jQuery, and CSS (placed in the theme's stylesheet). Also, you can have multiple tab boxes on the same page, insert any content into individual tabs, use icons in the tab headers, and set the colors (even gradients) through shortcode attributes. Additionally, I've got a JS function to programatically open any tab (by # within the box) in any tab box (by # on the page).

I assure you this was more than 15 minutes of cobbling some stray code together.

I would be willing to put this together in a ZIP for you for $25, without any subsequent royalties from you. However, I would certainly reserve the right to use the code myself.

If you're interested, email me privately and I'll send you a link to a demonstration page. It's part of a theme framework that I'm developing for some themes I'll be selling next year. You might even find some other shortcodes that you'll like (maybe just for ideas).

[email protected]

Also, it is worth noting that the jQuery code you referenced has a big footprint.

[gdf_tabs titles="Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3, Tab 4"]
[gdf_tab]first content here…[/gdf_tab]
[gdf_tab]second content here…[/gdf_tab]
[gdf_tab]third content here…[/gdf_tab]
[gdf_tab]fourth content here…[/gdf_tab]