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Need a simple feature for anyone that is commenting WordPress


On [[LINK href=""]]my blog[[/LINK]] I have many comments, interaction, etc. One of the main issues is that we (the team) are trying to offer a good user experience also.

The problem is: when people comments, often they make spelling errors and they'd like to correct them, and they comment what to fix. Now, that is time consuming for me.

What I wanted, is something to give the ability to people to edit their comments <strong>for a limited period of time</strong>, after they posted the comment.

So, let's say I comment something. I'd like to have, as a commentator a small edit link with a timer near it (Time to edit this comment: 10 minutes). In that time-frame, the user should be able to edit/update his comment. After the timer expires, the user can not edit his comment anymore.

For this I found a plugin called Ajax Edit Comments, paid $45 for it, disabled all features but the edit function and now I have an issue and here I need some help.

On my blog i am using the Bigfeature theme, and my blog is a multi-author one, I have about 300 authors and thousands of users that are commenting. For me, the design is very important.

Now this plugin, inserts the EDIT link at the bottom of the comments. What i want, is to move that link from the bottom somewhere at the top of the comment, inline with the other data related to that comment.

Please see this picture to figure out what I mean.

I don't think that this plugin has a short code or something... so for me, it's complicated and I don't know what to do.

Here is my piece of code from comments.php file, where the short code/tweak should be included:

<div class="comment-meta">
<?php printf(__('<cite class="fn">%s</cite>'), get_comment_author_link()) ?>
<div class="comment-date">
<a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( get_comment_link( $comment->comment_ID ) ) ?>">
<?php printf(__('%1$s at %2$s'), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time()) ?></a>
<?php edit_comment_link(__('(Edit)','BigFeature'),' ','') ?>




P.S. I can also give access to the plugin if needed.

Answers (2)


Julio Potier answers:

Hello, did you try this ?
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
Very good plugin !! (and secure now ;p)

Gombos Robert comments:

Yep, that plugin is nice. However, It would be great is users could edit their comments for a limited time and certainly not after it was approved.

For example, one can post something, I approve it, then he edits his comment and insert spam links.

But the plugin is awesome.


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

send me your plugin, i will look at that

Gombos Robert comments:

Sent. Hope you got it.

Gombos Robert comments:

have you received the zipped plugin via e-mail? Please confirm.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

yes i have !
but i have no time, now, sorry :-/

Gombos Robert comments:

Ok. Can you handle it in the 3 day timeframe?