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Need Larger Individual Lightbox for WordPress Karma Theme WordPress


We are in need of a larger individual lightbox size for the three column page. Attached is an example. The size, if you don’t include the bottom shadow, would be 294×238. With shadow, it would be about 294×257. We are willing to pay to have the files for this created for our theme.

Example of what the code might be for this setup on a page:

[lightbox style="modern" image_path="" popup="" link_to_page="" target="" description="" size="tall_three_col_large"]

[lightbox style="modern" image_path="" popup="" link_to_page="" target="" description="" size="tall_three_col_large"]

[lightbox style="modern" image_path="" popup="" link_to_page="" target="" description="" size="tall_three_col_large"]

Answers (2)


Yakir Sitbon answers:

Good luck :)

impactlocal comments:

Thank you for the response, but I am not looking for support with columns. This issue is in regards to designing a new graphic and providing updated CSS code to support a new lightbox image frame size within the Karma theme for Wordpress.

impactlocal comments:

There is a misunderstanding about what I am looking for:

I am looking for someone who can design larger image frames for the Karma Theme for WordPress. These image frames will need to be of certain larger sizes and be prorgrammed into the Karma Theme code so they can be entered into Pages/Posts using shortcodes. There are already image frames that exist within this theme that can be entered in with shortcodes, but they are not the sizes I need.

These new image frame shortcodes will need to work as both regular image frames and lightbox image frames. Lightbox frames are just like image frames, except when you hover over the lightbox image frame, it displays a magnifying glass, and when you click on the image, it opens a lightbox. The lightbox pop-up within the theme allows you to scroll through all of the other images on the current Page/Post.

Visual example of Karma Theme shortcodes like the image frames: (halfway down page)

Examples of answered questions that relate to what I'm looking to have done:

Example of separate modified graphic file (not exact size I need, but used as an example):


MDan answers:

If you are referring to changing the size of the popup do this:

Access the jquery.prettyPhoto.js file in your server in wp-content/themes/Karma/truethemes_framework/js/.

Open the file and look in for the following properties:
Increase the width and height as per your needs.