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Need Bid: BuddyPress and Sensei Integration for Student Groups WordPress

I have a WordPress site at that is used entirely for supplying free training for people in our business. I'm using Sensei currently, and everything is working fine with that.

What I need to do is setup a way for students to ask questions about the course lessons, and I want to keep each round of students separate.

We're now doing this with Facebook groups. We add students to specific Facebook groups, and they hop over there to ask the questions. However, this isn't practical. So I'm wondering if there is a way to tie their user accounts to their specific class, and move that over to WordPress.

I don't want students from Group A to see discussion from students in Group B.

Someone suggested BuddyPress to me. I'm looking for ideas, and a bid. I'd need this done by year end, so you'd have to be free to tackle it ASAP.

Again, this site is doing nothing but running Sensei. And I only have 15 users right now - basically it's the teachers running through all of the courses to ensure things are working correctly.

So, I need bids. Please let me know if you've done anything like this before. I'm a front end developer, so I can help out with the CSS side of things. I just can't do the heavy lifting integration.


Please send bid to [email protected]

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