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NEED! Wordpress custom template creation WordPress


Hi, Im currently trying to create a website for music events and in need of help regarding creating a new Wordpress page template. (I do know how to create them but this is a little something different that i want)

:: What I want ::

A page template that uses a different header and footer to my main theme pages. I want the page to be fullscreen / full screen width and be able to use shortcodes still so i can call my plugins.

I have attached a link and an image

Web link (the normal theme/website)

Image 1 (how i want the new page template to look) see attached image

As you can see the new template uses the same navigation menu at the top of the page and a different footer just to show the copyright info.

I want it to use the same style.css

The promotional flyers / images are a plugin called Image Wall ([[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] which i am using to call them, the purpose of this is so i can create a full screen image wall.

I have tried creating a blank template (deleting the get_header() tags) but that does not allow me to use shortcodes.

I also do not want to change my original header / footer files as these are used on all my other pages.

Answers (1)


Arnav Joy answers:

create a blank page and copy this full content there , then save it as anyname.php in your theme folder
then go to admin panel and create a page and select "Full Width" as template then save it.

Also for different header and footer only for this page , you have to create two files and named them as


and enter the content which you want to show there

(just copy header.php to header-music.php and footer.php to footer-music.php and then delete all those content which you do not want in this page template.)

I could not check the link which you have given above since it is password protected.

Template Name: Full Width



<div id="primary">
<div id="content" role="main">

<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
<div><?php the_content();?></div>

<?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>

</div><!-- #content -->
</div><!-- #primary -->

<?php get_footer('music'); ?>

lackie2k4 comments:

HI thanks for the reply, i actually cancelled this post as i figured out the get header tag. regards

Arnav Joy comments:

sorry i did not get what you want to say.