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My Wordpress site is EXTREMELY slow in IE7 and IE8, Help! WordPress


We have worked long and hard on this site for our client as a pro bono project. Now, soon before launch, it is running into issues with load time. In every other browser it works great, about 1-2 seconds, but IE7 and IE8 take 25 - 40 SECONDS to load the site.

We're now gzipping our files, we have tried disabling all javascript, tried putting images and CSS out on Amazon S3. We've moved all javascript down into the footer. Nothing really seems to help.

Please help!

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Answers (5)


Ross Wilson answers:

It looks like this file is taking a very long time to come back from amazon:

Can you take that file out of S3 and see if the performance improves?


Dbranes answers:

Here is the waterfall view of your site using IE7 from London server from

There are lot's of 404 coming from


these missing hIEfix.png are coming from the stylesheet

where you have lot's of IE explicit css like this line:

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=hIEfix.png,sizingMethod=crop);zoom:1;


Daniel Yoen answers:

Please try to remove "AlphaImageLoader" in your css :

IE's AlphaImageLoader blocks rendering and increases page load times.

hope this help :-)


Abdelhadi Touil answers:

It's a strange problem. As I guess it's coming from the conditional coments. Using debuger tool in IETester, the html tag interpreted by IE7 is:
<HTML class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 wf-adobejensonpro-i7-active wf-adobejensonpro-i4-active wf-adobejensonpro-n4-active wf-adobejensonpro-n7-active wf-adobejensonproi7-i7-active wf-adobejensonproi4-i4-active wf-adobejensonpron4-n4-active wf-adobejensonpron7-n7-active wf-trajanpro3-n4-active wf-trajanpro3-n6-active wf-trajanpro3n4-n4-active wf-trajanpro3n6-n6-active wf-trajanpro3n3-n3-active wf-active" lang=en sizcache015729147214778233="16" sizset="3">
the one interpreted by IE8 is:
<HTML lang=en class="no-js lt-ie9 wf-adobejensonpro-i7-active wf-adobejensonpro-i4-active wf-adobejensonpro-n4-active wf-adobejensonpro-n7-active wf-adobejensonproi7-i7-active wf-adobejensonproi4-i4-active wf-adobejensonpron4-n4-active wf-adobejensonpron7-n7-active wf-trajanpro3-n4-active wf-trajanpro3-n6-active wf-trajanpro3n4-n4-active wf-trajanpro3n6-n6-active wf-trajanpro3n3-n3-active wf-active">
and interpreted by IE9 is:
<html lang="en" class="no-js wf-adobejensonpro-i7-active wf-adobejensonpro-i4-active wf-adobejensonpro-n4-active wf-adobejensonpro-n7-active wf-trajanpro3-n4-active wf-trajanpro3-n6-active wf-trajanpro3-n3-active wf-active"><!--<![endif]-->
in IE9 interpreted code I see <!--<![endif]--> added to html tag, it's the diference between IE7 and IE8, that's why I suggest to verify the conditional comments code, maybe the problem comes from there.
Good luck.


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Jesse,

You could improve your site performance for any browser, just follow these advices:!/CjXgKs4sv/

That would be my first step.
