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Must Make 2 Edits to my Blog WordPress


I made one edit to the "single post" in the backend of my blog ( and now cannot even access the blog's admin. This is a disaster. I need help immediately.

The message that I receive is:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',' in /home/content/a/u/s/austinoutdoor/html/blog/wp-content/themes/autofocus/functions.php on line 624


This error was fixed.

I must make two edits to my blog,, and this is what i was trying to do when made the above mistake.

I would like to change the size of the featured images in each post like this one ( to stretch to line up with the "e" in website.

I also need to delete the grey border in the gallery images. <-- DONE

One more thing, I would like to not have the YouTube video appear in the "next" post line here:

Thank you in advance for your timely response!

Answers (5)


Rashad Aliyev answers:


You've got a few problem. I can assist you to solve your problem.

Rashad Aliyev comments:

There're 2 way to solve your problem.

1st of this: That's about your theme,

2nd of this: That's about your core files of WordPress.

Do like this, Login your wp-admin and change your theme then test it working or not. Then again reactivate your Autofocus theme. Check it again.

Write here what happened?

Rashad Aliyev comments:

It seems working now..

Rashad Aliyev comments:

For removing grey borders;

Use this CSS codes. Add it to end of your CSS file.

.attachment-thumbnail {border:0px!important;}

Allie H comments:

awesome. that definitely worked. any help on getting the featured images in each post to be larger?

Rashad Aliyev comments:

That's about with your CSS Class: class="full-photo"

find it and change.

best regards,


wjm answers:

you have an error sintax in your autofocus' functions.php file.
you will need ftp access.
post to the source code
so we can tell you what's wrong with it.

wjm comments:

look in line no. 624 of

you probably have a "," at the end of the line when it should be a ";"
replace it and reupload it. it should work.

wjm comments:

to widen the image, you should add to your style.css
at the end of the file these two lines

.single .post .full-photo img { width:620px; }
.gallery img.attachment-thumbnail, #gallery-1 img.attachment-thumbnail { border-width:0 !important; }


Utkarsh Kukreti answers:

Please paste the source of /home/content/a/u/s/austinoutdoor/html/blog/wp-content/themes/autofocus/functions.php to pastebin or mail me from my profile.

Allie H comments:

what do you mean paste the source?


Brent Shepherd answers:

There is an error in your theme. The easiest solution is to change the name of your theme's folder, for example change it from "autofocus" to "autofocus_broken" and then load a page.

WordPress should see the theme is not available and revert to the default theme which should load OK.

You should not activate the theme again until someone has fixed the error in your theme's functions.php file. It shouldn't be a difficult fix.

Hope that helps.


Sidd answers:

Hi Allie,

First , don't worry :)
This can be sorted out.

You basically have messed up the php sytnax in the functions.php file
So we need to see the functions.php file.
Please send me the source code for the functions.php file and then we can fix the problem.
(Source code meaning that all the code that is typed into the functions.php - you may send me the entire file as an attachment or just open the functions.php and select the entire content (code) of the file and then mail me that )

You can mail me through my profile.
