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MultiSite - Main Taxonomy WordPress


I want to create "city" taxonomy in all sites of MultiSite. But i want to show same listing in every blog and i want to edit it from only master site and not letting other blog owners edit it. I think only solution for this is setting a master site for specific taxonomy in MultiSite. So when someone try to use "city" taxonomy from other blogs, they will see master site's city list. How can i do that?

First of all, I will add these capabilities to city taxonomy:

'capabilities' => array(
'manage_terms' => 'manage_network',
'edit_terms' => 'manage_network',
'delete_terms' => 'manage_network',
'assign_terms' => 'edit_posts'

So only I will manage terms. And will use this:
So in post panel there will be dropdown and client will select only 1 of "parent city->child city"

I tried this:

// Skip Master Site
global $blog_id;
if($blog_id != 1) {
// Switch

$terms = get_terms( $brand_taxonomy, 'hide_empty=0');

// Restore
} else {
$terms = get_terms( $brand_taxonomy, 'hide_empty=0');

in drop-down solution of above link and it displays main site's taxonomy list but there is problem for saving. Somehow need to save taxonomy on alt blog first..
This plugin doing it. It saves new taxonomy if its not saved. I tried to understand but couldnt handle it.

Those links maybe helps you to help me:

You can offer me completely different solution if you want. I just want a master taxonomy that contains same terms in all multisite sites and only super admin will edit it.

Answers (1)


Abdessamad Idrissi answers:

did u check;

Ünsal Korkmaz comments:

i already gave that link in question