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Moving wordpress to a new server WordPress


Hi Guys

I need some reassurance that I'm doing the right thing as i have run into some problems whilst trying to move my wordpress website from Go Daddy To Bluehost.

I have up to date back up of wp-content folder & an .sql.gz back up of the database

I have done the process in the wrong order I think so it has confused me. This is what I am trying to do

I have created a hosting account at bluehost and installed a fresh version of Wordpress. My goal was to upload the back up of the wp-content folder and then import the back up of the database via phpmyadmin.

As the domain is now going to be in the root i.e. and not like it was on the old server. I know I have to update the database to reflect this. Which i have done by editing the wp-options (site url & home) within phpmyadmin again.

My confusion comes from whether the wp-config.php file should be edited to the new database details or the old database details (the one i imported).

If it just the tables that i have impoprted I would use the new database name & password woulnd't i?

Then it should all work fine, but I'm gettin a blank white screen.

Can anyone tell me the fault in my process and tell me how I should be doing it.

Note the nameservers have now propogated to the new host so I cannot access the old wordpress installation via a browser only via ftp.

I have read the instructions in the WP codex but they confused me even more.

thanks for any help you can give me


Answers (8)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

May I help you?

<strong>I'm glad to help you!</strong>


Svilen Popov answers:

Change your wp-config.php in the old site to point to the database on the new site - host, database, user, password

Svilen Popov comments:

Svilen Popov comments:

also run this SQL queries:

UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '','');

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');


Agent Wordpress answers:

See this,

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

It has all the steps you need. You want to move from to so basically you are moving to a 'new' domain. The page above also describes the changes you have to make in wp-config.php file. I am here so if you still have any doubt, just leave a comment and I'll get back to you.


Monster Coder answers:

You better copy the whole blog directory contents to the new server. Then copy the database and restore using phpMyAdmin as you planned and update the siteurl and home.
After that update the wp-config.php in the new server.

Then you upgrade the blog to latest version on your new server!


Ehthisham tk answers:

Also do this
open your sql file in any editor and press Ctrl +F (find) olddomain and replace all those with the newdomain.
>>you better to turn off all the plugins before moving


Jignesh Patel answers:


On the old server, disable all plugins. Take a backup of whole wordpress directory except the plugins.

Upload the whole backedup wordpress directory to new server (You have already done i guess)

Now make sure, you dont run the blog on new server without setting DB & wp-options in DB.

Then via phpMyAdmin set the db via your .sql

Then update wp-options in DB for site-url & home

Update the wp-config.

Then open the blog admin (Make sure you don't open front end) on new server. If all goes well, upload all the plugins one by one & check & make them active one by one.


Nile Flores answers:

GoDaddy to Bluehost....ugh... why!?!?! Both suck as webhosts. You are better about with HostGator or WordPress Hosting. Above one of the answers are the best (the first one for moving), but I really believe BlueHost is a terrible host. I have a dedicated servier with Host Gator and I have a lot of clients moving frantically from BlueHost.

When you move to a new webhost as a shared or reseller account holder, you need to ask if the server is geared to support WordPress. Why? -Because some webhosts do not offer opening up the php mod rewrite as well as other features that are necessary for WordPress, and even for those who eventually install the BuddyPress plugin.


Kazi Shaiduzzaman answers:

Yes you can.

You should use new config.php as here some up-gradation done. On new config.php you may check the dbname or others if its not ok.

Now you will export selected tables from old host as you already have a installed WP. so you will omit wp_users and wp_usermeta. for wp_comments (if not required then exclude it also as iit may cause size bigger by spam comments) you can remove all unapproved comments it may save lot of space by just a sql command.

<blockquote>Now You need to edit on your exported SQL file which is most important. Please open it any light weighted editor like wordpad or others if the sql file large size, then <strong>you need to replace all all trailing slash) with the just</strong></blockquote>

Now go to to check

Reply me if more required.