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Moving a static html site to Wordpress & SEO WordPress

Hi Guys

I have had an enquiry from a client who has an eccommerce website with over 1,000 pages. Alot of those pages are rankind in the top 3 for their keyword/s.

My question is if I move the site to Wordrpess and recreate the pages will I lose all the ranking juice from them?


Is there a good article or post that you would recommend I read before I do this?

Many thanks

Answers (3)


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:


If you respect URL structure, h1, h2 structure and meta information, you shouldn't have any problem.

Remember to have all ready and then update from old structure to new one.

Also, via Google Webmaster Tools, remember to set your sitemap.xml and also update robots.txt to prevent crawl from WP core dirs.


Asad Iqbal answers:

If you can make new sit'e url as like old site's url and all description and meta tags remains same then I think it will not be a problem. Page ranking sometimes depends on some key factor for example the page speed. So after developing the site I think wordpress is good to optimize the site speed too.

You may check the following link from seomz blog:

It will help you to know some points about how converting:


Kannan Sanjeevan answers:

Hello Steve,

If your site is having a permalink like and you convert them to wordpress, the default permalink will be something else. It wouldnt end with .html so there will be temporary loss of traffic. And in wordpress if you didn't select the permalink properly, all your link juice will be gone. Since all your tags and links are pointed to first link here, the other wordpress site will be completely new structured. And html sites doesn't allow you to put .html at end. So all the links and tags will be temporarily gone.

This above article will surely help you. I would say, migrate it and optimize with html to wordpress plugins. Later add yoast or any other all in seo plugins and re add the keywords and meta tags.