I followed this tutorial to move the shipping section on a site that I am building. (https://websitesdepot.com/moving-shipping-rates-woocommerce-checkout/)
With standard Woocommerce shipping this works fine, but I am using a third-party shipping plugin, and I cannot make that work with the moved shipping function.
The problem is that the shipping info from the the plugin no longer updates when I change my shipping options. So it's related to the cart fragments, but I cannot figure out what is wrong?
Can someone please help me make my code work with the 3rd party plugin?
I have everything running on a test-server, and can provide wp-admin and sftp access to it upon request.
Files where changes can be inspected
/wp-content/themes/tages-jessica/woocommerce/checkout/review-order.php (line 76-79)
/wp-content/themes/tages-jessica/woocommerce/checkout/shipping-order-review.php (entire file)
/wp-content/themes/tages-jessica/functions.php (line 424 -451)
The third-party shipping plugin can be found at:
I need a solution that doesn't involve hacking any cores files of the shipping plugin as I need to be able to update it in the future.
Reigel Gallarde answers:
Do you have a link of the 3rd party plugin?
I will check... also, I can work on it directly if you shoot me an email.
Reigel Gallarde comments:
I'm currently looking at it.
Arnav Joy answers:
I would like to help you with this, can you please send me mail at- [email protected]
medico comments:
Thanks Arnav, but Reigel already solved it for me. Thanks for your submission though.