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Move facebook recommend button WordPress



I want to the facebook recommend button to be above the post on the right hand side.

I also want to change the name recommend on the button to Like


Answers (2)


Julio Potier answers:

Do you know that the sentence "X people likes this ..." can not be placed on the left of the button ?
So if you want to move the Like button on the right side, against the div border, you have to hide this sentence.

Julio Potier comments:

To change the "Recommand" into "Like"
Change the "action" into the "the_iframe()" function.

action=recommend > action=like

Julio Potier comments:

To remove the sentence into a box count, do the same thing :

Change the "layout" into the "the_iframe()" function.

layout=standard > layout=button_count

Julio Potier comments:

Check this code, full plugin with <strong>3</strong> modifications :
- Box count instead of sentence
- Like instead of Recommand
- Align right instead of left.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Charlotte Raboff comments:

Thanks Julio :-)

I pasted the new code but how can I put the button on the top also?

Charlotte Raboff comments:

I mean:
on top off the post to the right, same line as the headline

Julio Potier comments:

Search for :
$content = $content.the_iframe($url,false);
and replace with :
$content = the_iframe($url,false).$content;

Charlotte Raboff comments:

I have done that now but it´s in the middle on the top...

Julio Potier comments:

OK, int the "the_iframe()" function, change this :

Charlotte Raboff comments:

Thanks - width:75px; height:25px did it but sorry for asking again, I want the facebook button to be on the same line as the headline..

Julio Potier comments:


This is the new DIV :

<div style="width: 100%; text-align: right; <strong>position: relative; top: -35px;</strong>">

Charlotte Raboff comments:

Great, thanks!


Romel Apuya answers:

are you using a plugin?

i can help you with this.