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Move Sign Up Button WordPress

In the footer I want to move the sign up botton in line to the right of the enter form. I can't figure out the css. Any help would be great.


Answers (2)


dimadin answers:

Add this style:

#woochimp_widget_subscription_submit {
margin-right: 45%;
float: right;

robkaufman comments:

Thank you, but I want it next to it. This lines is up but still underneath.

dimadin comments:

#woochimp_registration_form_widget tr {
display: inline-block;
#woochimp_widget_subscription_email {
width: 95%;
margin-bottom: 0;
#woochimp_widget_subscription_submit {
padding-top: 8px;
margin-top: 0px;

robkaufman comments:

That works. But can you look at it now, it cut of the box where you enter text. I still need that to be full.

dimadin comments:

I played and it isn't works on responsive and it's not worth it, I would rather remove "address" word from it.


Arnav Joy answers:

please try this

#woochimp_widget_subscription_submit {
margin-left: 70px;

robkaufman comments:

Thank you, but I want it next to it. This lines is up but still underneath.