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Missing Images in Iphone after loading WordPress


So whenever i load the site, all of the images load but then some disappear.
I not sure if there is a retina thing or if its a javascript thing.

Answers (1)


Dbranes answers:

Hi, it looks like the <em>retina.js</em> script is adding the <em>@2x</em> part to your images.

Check for example this image url:


that's changed to this one:

/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/[email protected]

that doesn't exists (404 error).

dipka comments:

Yea i thought it was something in those lines, however the answer i was looking for is how to solve this issue?

Dbranes comments:

I guess a quick fix would be to add the missing @2x files to the upload directory, or try to dequeue the retina.js script.

There might be some conflict.

Did this happens suddenly or has this always been like this?

dipka comments:

is kinda just happened.

dipka comments:

ok i updated the function.php file and removed the script. Thanks for the help