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Migrating Posts and Images Issues WordPress


Hello everyone,

I'm attempting to migrate posts and images associated with those posts over to a test server, but I am having no good luck. I am using the WP Importer tool as of now (but am open to other ways, even in shell).

The posts were all migrated successfully. However, none of the images were migrated, even though I checked the import attachments box. Not all of the images within my posts are attached, but regardless of that, some are and none of them transferred.

I know that I cannot simply FTP over the images because it won't store them in the DB. So here are my questions:

1) How can I import over everything successfully?
2) Do I need to go ahead and make sure every image is attached to some post on the live server before I try to migrate them over?

I would normally just do a database transfer, but this database is completely trashed with other junk and I would rather just move posts, images and comments.

Your help is greatly appreciated!


Answers (4)


AdamGold answers:

I suggest you to upload everything to your FTP, and then use this plugin:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Good luck.


Ryan Riatno answers:

Just upload folder "uploads" directory exactly the same structure with your old server

Ryan Riatno comments:

When you import the xml, did you check "Download and import file attachments" checkbox?
If so, it should be safe to upload the entire "uploads" folder and updated it with the new location.

Thomas Griffin comments:

The images are all appearing now in the posts after I followed these instructions, but they are not appearing in my Media uploads folder.

Ryan Riatno comments:

Try to view the images on post, and where it is located. New location or old location?


David Navarrete answers:

try with this plugin

this plugin downloads the files and, the sql of site.

the only thing that you will have to do is, change the path of site ex: to in the sql ( find and replace. )


Dan | gteh answers:

You can't just the uploads folder because as originally stated, they won't be in the database and associated with posts.

It sounds like a permissions issue on your uploads folder on the test server.

Check to ensure that the correct permissions are on wp-content/uploads (to test, just make it 777) and then try the import again with the option checked to import attachments.

Thomas Griffin comments:

Tried that, but it did not work. :-/

Dan | gteh comments:

ok. Then Ryan (who posted above) may be correct. If the checkmark was used, then all the associations should be there in your database. Uploading the folder via FTP should work then.

Thomas Griffin comments:

The uploading via FTP worked partially. The images appear in my posts but do not appear in the Media library.