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Media library 'uploaded to' drop down filter function WordPress



I am looking for a simple function to add a drop down menu into the media library to filter the media library results by 'Uploaded to'

My media library has over 7000 thousand attachments and I quickly need to filter by 'Uploaded to'

Is this possible? If it is possible I will be happy to add another $20.

I would like the drop down to appear at the top like this... [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

So inside the drop list I would like all the 'Uploaded to' post titles to appear in the list alphabetically.

Please let me know if you need anymore information.


Answers (1)


Daniel Yoen answers:

Yes, It's posible, I was testing, I will let you know soon as posible :-)

Josh Cranwell comments:

Awesome man!

Daniel Yoen comments:

hello, you mean like this ?