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Media Uploader is Squishing Preview Thumbnail WordPress


This is a bit strange. The media uploader is working as expected but the thumbnail it creates is being displayed as a squished image. Not the biggest deal in the world, however, my client is a Photographer and will not be okay with it--this I am sure. Have a look at the image (link below) and maybe you can demystify the reason. I would suspect a conflicting plugin, but all worked nice on my development server (MT DVS) and now it is on the client's server (MT Shared Server).

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Anyway, all help is appreciated.


Answers (4)


Kristin Falkner answers:

I don't think he's talking about a thumbnail being squished on the page, just through Media Uploader so I don't think TimThumb is going to make a difference. I'd check the settings in Settings -> Media for thumbnails. Also, do the preview thumbnails display this way if images are uploaded through the Flash-based and browser-based upload methods through the Media Uploader?

Rich Staats comments:

I did notice that the "thumbnail size" was obviously off. I'm going to split the winnings between you and Just Me since it was in fact a CSS issue (it hadn't occurred to me).


Just Me answers:

I think you have a css problem. The image will probably be there just not visible.

Rich Staats comments:

Yep. So darn obvious and it didn't occur to me. I am splitting the winnings between you and Kristin since both led to me fixing the issue. thanks


Lucas Wynne answers:

I highly suggest using TimThumb to crop it.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Espreson Media answers:

TimThumb is gonna solve your problem..