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Media Library Thumbnails Not Appearing When Adding Featured Image WordPress



So I did something I should have known not to do, that being FTPing one uploads folder to another on a different site. Of course, WP doesn't store that information, but I wasn't thinking correctly.

Well, somehow this messed up my Media Library thumbnails and previews. Whenever I go edit a page or post, when I try to upload an image and click on the Media Library tab, nothing displays, even though it says there are X amount of images in the database. I've tried deleting the images and removing the postmeta data from phpMyAdmin, but it is still not working.

Below is a link to an image to show you what I am talking about. I would love to get this resolved - it is annoying more than anything!

[[LINK href=""]]here is the image[[/LINK]]

Answers (1)


derekshirk answers:

I've never heard of this happening to anyone else and I'm sorry that this happened - that would drive me crazy.

Both of these answers are long shots...but have you tried:

1) Switching back to a default theme like Twenty Ten and then switching back to your custom theme?

2) Replacing the entire contents of the /wp-admin and /wp-includes folder from a fresh install download



I think I understand your problem better now, I didn't know you were using custom post types. Could you share the code you used to create the custom post type?

Thomas Griffin comments:

Hmm, so apparently this is caused by me registering taxonomies for custom post types. Whenever I remove the custom taxonomies from the functions.php file, the thumbs and previews show up. But whenever I place the code back in, the thumbs and previews no longer show up. Any reason why this would be happening?

Thomas Griffin comments:

Well, that was weird. Apparently I can't have a custom taxonomy named "Type". I guess WordPress uses that somehow when referencing items in the Media Library. I just changed the taxonomy name and it fixed the issue. Odd.

derekshirk comments:


I think I understand your problem better now, I didn't know you were using custom post types. Could you share the code you used to create the custom post type?

derekshirk comments:

Yes, that's what I was just going to suggest:
