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Make my membership website work with cache plugin and cloudflare WordPress



I have a typical register/login membership page, with a different menu for logged in and logged out users. There are also many member only pages. You can see it at [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I use a cloudflare CDN and W3 total cache.

I’ve been playing around with a number of cache plugins and their settings, and can’t find one that is perfect yet. The following issues often arise:

– Social login becomes buggy
– Often no auto-login after registration, so new members must login again after registration.
– Sometimes people login but the menu says they’re still not logged in.
– Custom access page settings: sometimes people are logged in but they still cannot access member-only pages.

Can anyone make my membership website compatible with caches and cloudflare? Suggest all the necessary settings to activate/deactivate.

Thanks for any help :)

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