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'Magic Door' not opening after Wordpress update 3.6 WordPress

Hi there, unfortunately I'm a complete newbie to Wordpress, but I have a site which was build for me. And everything was working fine. Regrettably I just did an update to wordpress 3.6 and now the magic door feature on this custom theme is not working anymore. Without the feature activated the content is loading on a new page (with all browsers I tried with the Safari "Develop" tool), so there can't be too much wrong - says the rookie. But the magic door won't open anymore if the magic door feature is activated (with no browser). Can somebody help me please? As I don't have any clou how complex this question is, please tell me how much you think it's worth. Thank you very much. Markus

Answers (3)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Morche

I can see your website is using Garnish theme

They gave the last update on 23 july so there might be little tweak needed or it might be a little bug.
I can help you to solve the issue
you can add my skype id: bhuvan530531

it might take min of 30 mins to 1 hour to fix the problem

zebra webdesigns comments:

add to the Note:

they have mentioned the last supported wordpress version as 3.5
If you have took the database backup its well and good.

You can also message them regarding this. It might be useful.
But for now I will try what can be done to fix the issue.

zebra webdesigns comments:


Hello arnov I found the article about this theme over here

may be it will be useful for you to analyze further. you can find the information about the magic door over there.


Arnav Joy answers:

can you tell what do you mean by "Magic Door" ?

Markus Roche comments:

As mentioned in the article zebra shared the magic door is a feature which allows the following: "On clicking the thumbnail of a portfolio item, the gallery drops down to reveal the selection in full. If the feature is disabled, which you can do in the control panel for the theme, then the portfolio items are linked to their respective pages!"

And as mentioned the 'respective page link' works fine, but the 'drop down' doesn't work anymore.


Jason Bruno answers:

Wordpress 3.6 is natively using jQuery 1.10.2, common problem with most default installations is its missing the map file.
in your case, you also need another map file for jqmigrate 1.1.1

i couldnt find a mapping file for jqmigrate but jquery map file is easy to find
here is the link for jq1.10.2 map
for jqmigrate = you can just edit your jquery migrate file and remove the source mapping line or create a blank file

ftp up those files in
to resolve 404.

source mapping isnt really essential as it is only supported in chrome for easier debugging - which for me is very useful.

hope that helps, and let me know if you have other questions

Markus Roche comments:

Great! You really helped me solving the problem...although I don't know exactly what I did...I reesearched a lot about jquery etc and simply installed this plugin:

Now everything is fine and the magic door works great! Thank you!

And thank you o all the other guys for helping as well!
