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Mage Front End Forms - Add a get "Price" input feature WordPress



I'm using a free wordpress plugin called "Mage Front End Forms" (

This plugin allows me, or more specifically, an admin account to post a new product through a form from the front end. Basically, I add the forms shortcode to a new page. Then visiting the new page, you fill in the form and submit. This then will completely add the new product to woocommerce.

However, I'd like to also have the feature of adding a price field to the form. This way, the product also has a price adjusted through the front-end of the form, rather than having to add it manually later in the "products" section of the back-end.

I'm not very good with code, but I can get by if I'm given clear instructions where to paste the code. I'll be happy to pay the $10 to someone who can please provide me the required code I need to make this happen.

If you need to log in to the website, please let me know.. Otherwise, please download the plugin yourselves and test on your wordpress sites for clearer understanding of its functions.

UPDATE: Please take note, this plugin (Mage) specifically lets me add new products from a front-end page that I've created using the Mage plugin shortcode. I am not looking for "custom fields" functionality, but rather, just to build on top of this plugin's functionliaty by allowing me to add the price.

A visual scenario in case I've not made myself too clear:
I log on to the form I've created with Mage using my mobile phone
I upload the featured image
I input the title
I input the price
I input the description
I input the category
and then submit...

Now this submitted form creates for me the woocommerce product from start to finish.
The missing element is the "price"...

Thank you

Answers (3)


Reigel Gallarde answers:

you can add this to the form...

[text name="_price" label="Product Price" req=1]

just below this line of yours:

[text name="post_title" label="Product Name" req=1]

Reigel Gallarde comments:


Have you tried this?
Please let me know if you have.

User180182 comments:

Hi Reigel,

Thank you for your answer. Even though this does makes it so that it asks for the price on the form, which is great, BUT the price (that is now answered on the form) is NOT being displayed when viewing the submitted product. Where all the other fields that the plugin recommends does... ie: Title, Description, Category,...

Have a look at the screenshot of the plugins UI...

Reigel Gallarde comments:

the link you provided say's "This page is restricted. Please login to view this page."

Please email me the needed credentials at [email protected] and I will check why...

Also, are you using the latest version of woocommerce?

Reigel Gallarde comments:

About your given screenshot, we are trying out "CUSTOM META"
And the meta for price of woocommerce is "_price".

User180182 comments:

Hi Reigel, I will send you the wordpress login very shortly with instructions.

Reigel Gallarde comments:

Here's a sample output I've created using the above code I've given.

User180182 comments:

yes, it does work... excellent. I don't quite understand why its not doing that for me on my site... Ill try again..

Reigel Gallarde comments:

I've tested it on your website, it does work.

Reigel Gallarde comments:

Sorry I've tested again on your website and yes it's not working. I'm checking now as to why.

User180182 comments:

Hi Reigel, Yes, I think I see why its not displaying. I need to reconfigure the "single product page" display by Elementor...

Thank you Reigel, I will mark your response as the correct one. Thank you very much


Arnav Joy answers:

can you show me url of your site?

User180182 comments:


Mohamed Ahmed answers:

You could add the codes like this
[text name="post_title" label="Product Name" req=1]
[text name="the_price" label="Product Price" req=1]
[text name="custom_field_name" label="Custom Meta Field"]

I have created one and attached it with my answer

Please note
- you can add any custom field by this code like this
[text name="custom_field_name" label="Custom Meta Field"]

- the plugin didn't update from 1 year it may be a hole in your site security
- You can depend on ACF plugin to create front-end forms (always updated)

User180182 comments:

Hi Mohamed,

Thank also for your answer and example.
As I've mentioned above to Reigel, this doesn't display the actual inputed price on the actual submitted product.

I am aware the plugin has not been updated for one year. Regarding ACF (which I've not heard until you've mentioned it), will that provide me with a front-end form that lets the admin submit a new product from start to finish?