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Lost Admin User WordPress


Hi there

One of my clients can no longer log into her Administrator account on her blog. I have checked the WP_user table, and she is indeed disapeared!

Now I thought I could rectify this by installing a fresh copy of WP... but when I import the backed up database the new WP_user table obviously gets overwritten.

So we still cannot log in as the administrator...

I have Google until my eyes bleed and the closest i've got to a resolution is to "browse" the WP-user table within My PHP Admin, find the admin and reset the password.

However there is no admin listed in the table.

so my question is... Is it possible to create an admin user within My PHP Admin and then go and log in using those details. If not what are my options.

Thanks for you time


Answers (3)


Utkarsh Kukreti answers:

Follow these steps -

If you want me to do these, please let me know where I can contact you.


Andrzej answers:

Yep, this is no problem. If you want me to do it, pls contact me one Skype or by e-mail, I will pass you my details by private message.


Ipstenu answers:

Are there ANY users listed in wp_user?

If not, then you could copy over the wp_users AND wp_usermeta tables from your newly created blog to the old one, and that should add the user #1.

If there are users, like maybe your account, you can edit the blog capabilities key for that user in wp_usermeta to a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;} to give that account admin rights, who can then re-create the ID.

Either way, check the blog for hacks!