I'm looking for a free plugin that will create memberships for a user base. All I really need it to do is to register someone, generate a login form... and depending on the level of membership, redirect to a specific url on login that I can set.
Thanks for the help
Fahad Murtaza answers:
There might not be an out of the box solution for that, I am afraid, you will have to join bits an pieces from plugin and manual code to do that specific thing.
Linda answers:
Hi, maybe WP-Members will work for you? [[LINK href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-members/"]]Here is the link[[/LINK]].
Hardeep Singh answers:
Members: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/members/
WP-Members: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-members/
You would have to customize them depending on other functions needed and available in the plugins.
Ram Kumar answers:
I'll Offer you pro plugin for just $10..Easy Member pro plugin worth contact me by my mail([email protected]). i purchased for my website,so you may also use the same.
after plugin working you may pay me.
Jonathan van Clute answers:
You might have a look at this one, I'm not quite clear if everything is free or if some features are in a "premium" version or what but... here you go: