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Looking for nearly full-time WordPress, CSS and some PHP WordPress


Looking for a developer to add to our team. We do a lot of WordPress projects. Design experience helpful.

Contact me at: [email protected]

Answers (4)


Duncan O'Neill answers:

Hi Tracy,

I'm a sole trader web developer interested in working with you. Please check your email, which gives more details.




Jerson Baguio answers:

Count our team in, we are consists of 2 designers and 2 coders :)
we also do customized wordpress design and we also convert PSD/TIF design to wordpress theme.... More Power To our business!

We hope to discuss with you and your good team!
email us at [email protected]


Jeremy Jared answers:

I would be interested in speaking with you. I haven't been on this board long, but I have become the top expert at Experts Exchange.

Here are a few links to my profile there:
[[LINK href=""]]My Profile Page[[/LINK]]

and here is one of my tutorials I wrote for them:
[[LINK href=""]]Creating a custom drop-down menu for any theme[[/LINK]]

<strong>If you are interested in talking, e-mail me and I will provide a phone number so we can talk.</strong>
<strong>e-mail address:</strong>
[[LINK href="mailto: [email protected]"]][email protected][[/LINK]]


Rashad Aliyev answers:


Give more information about your project. Maybe I can attend.

best regards,