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Looking for a quote to develop a plugin WordPress


I'm interested in getting quotes for a plugin that would allow a registered user to upload a photo, which would then be tiled in a preview to create a repeating pattern (It's for a fabric maker). The user would then be able to purchase that custom fabric in a desired quantity.

Basically I'm looking for someone to deliver a quote with a possible solution using any combination of existing or new themes and/or plugins.

Much appreciated!

Answers (2)


Paul Gregory answers:

OK, best thing to do is to split this up.

1) Mechanism to upload custom photo and view a preview of it repeating - at say 3 zoom sizes so that the repeat can be properly judged.
2) Mechanism to select from own uploaded patterns (plus possibly some provided by the fabric maker) and enter quantity (presumably length, width and # of rolls) and invoice details
3) Mechanism for fabric maker to review pattern and confirm invoice

$1,000 (US) including licences for plugins used.


Pixel Coder answers:

User comes to site.
Decides to place quote.
Enter personal details (stage 1).
Upload image (stage 2).
Pattern displayed with price and PayPal purchase? (output).
User created (save data).
Admin interface for each user submission (output user specific data).
Manual action from here? (as in email for manual pricing)

Mmmm i've never quoted for a plugin more so something integrated with a theme.

Made a hefty calculator based on a government formula. For this slightly less but you're talking + £800.00

Hope that helps.