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Looking for a full screen slide show plugin.. WordPress

I'm hoping to find someone that has used/recommend a plugin to do the following:

Display a full screen slide show with images or videos or WordPress posts/pages (this is the most important).

So if I had a custom page template in WordPress that displayed a full monthly view calendar, I would want this to be part of the slide show.


Answers (4)


Agus Setiawan answers:

hi, you can use this plugin

hope thats help.

wordpress version :
documentation :
see first image doc, you can find :
WP Media Gallery ( select from pages/post )

69developer comments:

I cant see anywhere in the documentation that it will allow you to include and actual WordPress page or post as a slide?

69developer comments:

I want the actual full Post/Page as a slide.


Pali Madra answers:

There are a couple of solutions available

oQey Gallery - [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]. This plugin supports videos and works on mobile devices as well. The plugin is free but there are premium skins.

WordPress full screen gallery - code canyon - cost $7 - [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Pixel Shadow for WordPress - cost $16 - [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

<blockquote>Please note that I'm not affiliated with any of the premium plugins and I will not benefit in any way by you purchasing these plugins. </blockquote>

Hope this helps.


In that case the slidedeck plugin would be the right one. It is free and can be found at [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

This should work.

69developer comments:

I cant see anywhere in the documentation that it will allow you to include and actual WordPress page or post as a slide?

69developer comments:

Looks like with slidedeck, you have to buy Developer $199 version in order to get the HTML/Posts as a slide option...Ouch!


Arnav Joy answers:

see this


Navjot Singh answers:

Check these plugins:

[[LINK href=""]]WP Content Slideshow[[/LINK]] - Support pages/post option as a slide

Check Different sliders mentioned at [[LINK href=""]]Slidervilla[[/LINK]] - Paid plugins - Support pages/post option