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Looking For Ideas -- Require User Password Protect Content WordPress


Does anyone know of solutions for requiring users to re-login or re-enter their password to view pages?

If you want to write a coded solution I will raise the prize.

For some of my more sensitive pages/ or functions on the frontend I would like to require the user to enter their password to proceed.

For example:
-To change credit card info
-To change their password
-To update an order status

For all of those I would like a password requirement to proceed to stay secure as possible. Any plugins or solutions for this would be appreciated.

My thought on the code would be a pre-post check on desired pages for some kind of nonce or encoded validation, if not it redirects to a page for current user password input, and on correct submission it redirects to the previous page.

Answers (6)


Arnav Joy answers:

see these two plugins:-

Kyle comments:

Hi, thanks for the reply

Both of those use a global password. I am looking something that uses the User's Password


Dbranes answers:

Hi, there is a Wordpress function called <strong>wp_check_password()</strong>.

Here is an example to play with, using this function:

function pwd_check(){
global $current_user;
if ( isset($_POST['resubmit']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['repass_nonce'],'retypepasswd') && $current_user && wp_check_password( esc_html($_POST['repassword']),$current_user->user_pass, $current_user->ID) ){
echo"<h1>Please retype your password:</h1>";
echo "<form action='' method='post'>";
echo "Password:<input type='password' name='repassword'>";
echo "<input type='submit' name='resubmit' value='submit'/>";
echo "</form>";


Kyle comments:

Thanks for the reply, this is very cool let me see what I can do with this.

Kyle comments:

That worked perfectly, thank you - didn't expect such a neat and quick solution :)


Daniel Yoen answers:

try this :

hope this help :-)

Daniel Yoen comments:

just idea :

1. use a token that is sent via email to confirm
2. create user meta for 2nd password

I can make this code, but it took more time. :-)

Kyle comments:

Hi, thanks for the reply

Two step authentication is a good idea for some extra security, thank you. This doesn't solve the problem I'm looking for though, of forcing the user to re-enter a password at certain points.


Vasif Mustafayev answers:

When I worked on my one project we done this like as following:
When user register we force him to set pincode which is consist of 6 digits, and when he want access Secure page we show him Security Gate which ask user to type password and PinCode.
I think this is simple and secure solution for this problem.

Kyle comments:

This would be perfect. Is there a plugin or code snippet that can help with this?


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Kyle,

Add this code to a page template

if( isset( $_GET['my_logout_flag'] ) ) {
$redirect = 'your-page-slug';
wp_redirect( wp_login_url( $redirect ) );


Kyle comments:

Thanks for the reply, I'll give this a shot

Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi Kyle,

Do you understand that code is just a starting point,right?

Basic idea is

1. log out user;
2. ask for login again, redirecting to current page after login;


Gabriel Reguly comments:

Me again...

Forgot to mention that you should set a flag to make sure the user has not to login again.

It could be some session variable, a unique query string or even a transient.



daas answers:

Hi, I have created similar plugin. It uses PasswordHash class which is build in wordpress.

Here's the example:

$user_info = get_userdata( get_current_user_id() );
$wp_hasher = new PasswordHash( 8, TRUE );
$current_pass = $_POST['cp'];

if ($wp_hasher->CheckPassword($current_pass, $user_info->user_pass)) {
return true;

return false;

After checking the password it is possible to store extra data in session.

global $session;
$session->set_flashdata( 'double_auth', 1 );

Flashdata is stored only for the next server request.

Kyle comments:

Awesome, I like it. I will give this a shot and see how I do. If I need some help I'll raise the prize and come back