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List Custom Post Type's Title by Nested Custom Taxonomy Terms WordPress


1- A Custom Post Type = "Cast"
2- An Associated Custom Taxonomy = "Actress"
3- Some Taxonomy Terms like Actress Names

I would like to:

1- List All Tax Term regards to "Cast" Custom Post Type
2- List At least last three updated Custom Post Type' Title <strong>UNDER</strong> each associated term.(Please have a look at attached image)
3- Each of Above lists items (<li>s) <strong>MUST</strong> link to to a Complete List Page (on Listing the Tax Terms) and to Single page(on Listing of the Custom Post types)


Answers (1)


Just Me answers:

$1 is not a lot to motivate people to invest time in finding an answer to a question you don't seem to have spend much time on yourself. Keep in mind it SEEMS that way.

Maybe you can share what you already did or tried.