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Latest Blog post won't show up on my site WordPress

Hey there,

My clients latest blog post won't show up on her front page or her blog either where its meant to show up on both usually.

Her site is and I just want to troubleshoot why its missing.

I've asked this question before and a developer helped me get the latest blog post to the front (said it had an error in wordpress loop) but now it seems I'll need to be fixing this for every new blog post that goes up until the actual problem is found and solved.

Please PM me for login details


Answers (3)


Asad Iqbal answers:

Please pm me the login details thus I can check. Please don't share any password here.


Fahad Murtaza answers:

Hi Kate

If possible, I would look into it through your FTP and solve the problem. You can send me the details via a private message to keep the FTP info safe.

Fahad Murtaza


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

please, what is the url of the last post (not published in home) ?

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

could you paste here the content of the file home.php please
(if you don't have home.php, paste index.php)

i suppose your post must be in a specific category to be on home, or must to be "sticky post"