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JQuery number ticker that goes up by 1 every 0.0013s WordPress


I need a number ticker that starts at 35000 and goes up by 1 every 0.0013s. Website is and the tickers to go at the top right side where it currently says "10761 Network Users"

Answers (4)


Dbranes answers:

hi, here is a javascript number ticker (no php needed) that calculates the counter value from a date,
so it will also work when you reload the page:

result: <div id="counter"></div>


var START_DATE = new Date("October 10, 2012 22:30:00"); // put in the starting date here
var INTERVAL = 1; // in seconds
var INCREMENT = 30; // increase per tick
var START_VALUE = 35001; // initial value when it's the start date
var count = 0;

$(document).ready(function() {
var msInterval = INTERVAL * 1000;
var now = new Date();
count = parseInt((now - START_DATE)/msInterval) * INCREMENT + START_VALUE;
document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = count;

window.setInterval( function(){
count += INCREMENT;
document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = count;
}, msInterval);


see here:

ps: this is a modified version of this answer:

patrickclover comments:

OOO almost, just need to make it to 1decimal place now?

patrickclover comments:

var n=count.toFixed(1);
Got it!

patrickclover comments:

Maybe not, didnt work.

Dbranes comments:

ok, I guess you mean the case: 1/0.0013 ~ 769.2

Here is an updated version (I added the count.toFixed(0) to display the counter,
I guess it must be an integer, since it stands for users.)

<div id="counter"></div> Network Users

var START_DATE = new Date("October 21, 2012 22:30:00"); // put in the starting date here
var INTERVAL = 1; // refresh interval in seconds
var INCREMENT = 769.2; // increase per tick (1/0.0013 ~ 769.2)
var START_VALUE = 35000; // initial value when it's the start date
var count = 0;

$(document).ready(function() {
var msInterval = INTERVAL * 1000;
var now = new Date();
count = parseInt((now - START_DATE)/msInterval) * INCREMENT + START_VALUE;

window.setInterval( function(){
count += INCREMENT;
}, msInterval);


see demo here:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

patrickclover comments:

This JS seems to not be quite playing right, any ideas? maybe make a separate file? suggestions?

patrickclover comments:

Problem at line 10 character 10: Missing radix parameter.
count = parseInt((now - START_DATE)/msInterval) * INCREMENT + START_VALUE;

Implied global: $ 7,11,15, window 13

Dbranes comments:

you can try to replace:

count = parseInt((now - START_DATE)/msInterval) * INCREMENT + START_VALUE;


count = parseInt((now - START_DATE)/msInterval,10) * INCREMENT + START_VALUE;

i.e. parseInt can have second parameter (radix)

What browser are you using?

patrickclover comments:

Nope still doesn't work ehm IE4?
jk, chrome canary the link you sent works but it doesn't when i try add it to the site.

Dbranes comments:

hehe IE4 rocks ;-)

you could try to replace $ with jQuery (in 3 places)

patrickclover comments:

var msInterval = INTERVAL * 1300000;

- problem solved. just change the time multiplier, seemed to do the trick!


Arnav Joy answers:

see this link


daas answers:

<span id="custom_users"></span>
var div = document.getElementById( 'custom_users' );
var i = 35000;

setInterval(function(){ div.innerHTML=i; i++; },1.3)

try this

patrickclover comments:

ticks too often, resets back to 35000 on page reload.


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Patrick,

I assume you already have jQuery set, so please try this
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery (function() {
var cnt = 35000;
var counter = setInterval(function() {
jQuery('#header-phone').html( cnt + ' Network Users' );
}, 1.3);
