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Is there a plugin to handle our waiting list? WordPress


Can anyone suggest a plugin that we might use (on to replace our current [[LINK href=""]]waiting list[[/LINK]]? Ideally it has captcha built in, and also can check and see if the person affirms that they have read the legal agreement.

Answers (1)


Buzu B answers:

Hello Lawrence

I think, depending on your needs, you would be better off by hiring someone to do a custom plugin for this, and I say depending on your needs, because you might want the plugin to be integrated to your existing database or you might need very specific functionality to be implemented. I did a quick search and didn't really find any plugin that handles waiting lists.

If you want to save on the plugin, you might be able to work something out with the developer, for example, I'd be willing to do it for a small price but keeping all the rights of the plugin so I can sell it somewhere else and get some more money for the time put in it.

Lawrence Krubner comments:

Thanks, Buzu. I could write the code myself, but I'm short on time, so I was hoping there might be an easy plugin out there. Thanks for looking.