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Integrate a JQuery Vegas Slideshow on WP Core Theme WordPress


EDIT : the first problem is solved !

exactly it was a z-index problem :

body.home #top_bar
padding-bottom: 20px;
z-index: 99999;


I only add the 2 last line :)

but I have always the second part of my problem : now the 2nd level menu (sub menu) doen't appear too !

any idea ?



Before to start, please excuse me for my english. I'm a french guy.
I'm not developper, but I like to search by myself !

I'm sure my problem will be very easy for you !

I have bought a theme on Themeforest : Core

A great theme for my passion : I'm photographer.

But the only thing I don't like is the homepage. That's why I have search a new way for having my pictures in fullscreen and auto resize.

I discover the Jquery Vegas plugin :

I modify my template to try to include the plugin.
All is ok, but the top part : header and menu disapear behind the plugin.
The second-level menu (sub menu) doen't appear too !

A Jquery conflict ? (because menu seems to use Jquery)
A problem of div layer ?
A css problem ?

I have search a solution but I'm really a noob :/

You can check it on :

Thank's for help and for give me a price.


Answers (4)


Romel Apuya answers:

add this in your style.css

body.home #top_bar {
padding-bottom: 20px;
position: relative;
z-index: 200 !important;

jabiroedison comments:

thans guy's I found the solution 2 minutes ago !
it was only a z-index problem

body.home #top_bar
padding-bottom: 20px;
z-index: 99999;


I only add the 2 last line :)

but I have an other problem : now the 2nd level menu (sub menu) doen't appear !


Christianto answers:


For the menu, it is jQuery problem, the file is custom.js
File path

Open it, find on line 128
var $jsublist = $j(this).find('ul:first');
change it to
var $jsublist = jQuery(this).find('ul:first');

As you can see I change the jQuery.noConflict variable back to its original.

I'm not sure why the fadeIn method didn't work when using alias in your script, but I've tried it, you can see it on demo attach..

Hope this help

jabiroedison comments:

You are a god !!!!! Perfect !!!!! You save my life ;)

Thank's to all the other guy who help me to find this !

How does it work now ? does I need to vote ? click anywhere to attribute the pay ?
let me know !

Thank's you so much


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi jabiroedison,

That seems to be a z-index (CSS) issue.

Does the plugin let you set a z-index?


Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi jabiroedison,

Looking at the source code, seems you are also using nivo slider.

At least Core theme is loading it.

Would be better use just one plugin for images.


jabiroedison comments:

thank's :) yes I found the solution : see my last answer ! but have problem now with the submenu !

Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi jabiroedison,

I am glad you solved you issue. But not sure if it is fair to change the question or add another items to it.

Why don't you raise the prize and later split it among the experts who helped you with the items?


jabiroedison comments:

Dear Gabriel,

I don't change the question or add a item ! Thes second question was include on my first message !


Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi jabiroedison,

Sorry, I see you originally did asked for the menu fix. :-P

<em>The second-level menu (sub menu) doen't appear too !</em>


Gabriel Reguly comments:

Hi jabiroedison,

To award the prize, click [[LINK href=""]]Vote to award prize[[/LINK]].

You can find the original link next to the edit link you used to edit your question.



Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Hello Jabiro,

I don't see where do you refer:

href="/vegas/" />

In your code. I have seen it in the [[LINK href=""]]documentation[[/LINK]].

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:


You have to do the same with the submenu:

z-index: 99999 !important;

jabiroedison comments:

Hello Francisco,

Thank's for your message ! I have no sub-menu item in the CSS file !
I try to add it, but it doesn't work ! :/

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:


Did the second level appear before Vegas has been included? I have been testing in local and neither clearing all Vegas div nor modifying z-index, I can show it.