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Install Image on Homepage WordPress


I am trying to install this above the enews on the homepage of How can I?

Answers (2)


Svilen Popov answers:

Copy the code from [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] and paste it in your theme sidebar or index.php

Svilen Popov comments:

One more solution - if your theme support's widgets, place a text widget in your sidebar with the embedded ad code. Go to admin panel -> Appearance -> Widgets and add "Text widget" to the sidebar. In the textarea paste your thermometer code.

zachitn comments:

Under which folder wp?

Svilen Popov comments:

Open <strong>sidebar.php</strong> or <strong>index.php</strong> located in <strong>wp-content/themes/YOUR THEME</strong>/


Erez S answers:

Copy the code of the color you want and paste it on the begining of your sidebar.php