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Inserting Text WordPress


I am a new user and I have been through most of the videos. I can insert pictures into an existing post OK. Text only shows up as code. I figure I am missing a step. Am on brink of colorful language. I added an example in the Choose File box.

All I want to do is to insert text from Word and Publisher into the posts. The example I used is a simple calendar in table form in Word, I assume.

How hard can this be???

Answers (5)


MDan answers:


First of all you must add the text you have from the visual mode. Check this first if you haven't already.

If that doesn't work you and if you want to do it youreself you can try to generate an online table with this:

Choose your number of cells and columns, click next and choose your color scheme.
After you have created the table just click the button get the code, choose just html tab and copy the code in html code to your site.

Or this one:

If you want you can send me the login details and i can create it for you.



Albert Shala answers:

The calendar is an image, which you'll have to right click on the image and select 'Save us Picture' chose your file format (.jpg or png are best) and upload it to your post/page, dragging it directly to your post will not help you, this is the safest and possible least painful way of doing it and avoiding code appearing in your content. Else you can create a form in wordpress and populate it with content within wordpress, this is the easiest solution, if your theme provides you with styles for tables then your set, if not you'll need to implement that.

solascriptura2 comments:

I want to vote to send you the $10.00 prize but I can't find any instructions as to how one does that. If you tell me how I will pay up.
Charles Perrine


derekshirk answers:

Please be more specific with your question. The attachement you provided does not shed any light on your question.

solascriptura2 comments:

The attachment is a simple table in Word. All I want to do is copy it on the website in a post.

I also can't figure out how to insert any kind of text from any software. Anything I upload is converted into code and when I try to view it in visual mode it doesn't change.

I will eventually want to insert the church newsletter itself into the website.

So, how does one insert text? It seems to be harder than it should be but I'm used to cut and paste.

Pictures and Jpeg files seem to work fine. It's only test that is confounding me.

Charles Perrine


Arnav Joy answers:

i think you need to create a table in html

Arnav Joy comments:

like this

<td>June 10-15</td>


Jerson Baguio answers:

hi sol,

I just recently had a project that involves tables for post. This might be a help for you

this plugin

and here's the project i worked on for your reference