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Inserting Share Buttons on a random place WordPress


I would like to insert the "Shareaholic" plugins button on a random place on the site.
(The plugin says i can do that and provides me with this:

<?php if(function_exists('selfserv_shareaholic')) { selfserv_shareaholic(); } ?>

I would like to place it on the sidebar

Where now stands:
8 | Oct | 11
By: fridolinweiner
Filed under Bilder.
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<- here I would like to have the buttons...

I guess i have to change something somewhere in the php files. but where?

I am an absolute wp dummie, so have fun trying to explain it to me XD

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Autofocus+ pro

Answers (4)


Julio Potier answers:


i can do this :
check this out :

(made with firebug)

Just give me ftp or admin acces ti website, i need to see the theme, i can not just give magic code here.

Thank you !

Fridolin Weiner comments:

any progress?
Does the FTP login i sent you work at least?

Julio Potier comments:

I replied you that the login:pass is not correct check your PMs ;)

Fridolin Weiner comments:

<strong>you're my man!</strong>


thank you for the explanation via pm.


Fahad Murtaza answers:

Which theme are you using? Any link to your site?

Fridolin Weiner comments:


Fahad Murtaza comments:

what widget are you using in the sidebar? Usually its sidebar.php where you need to insert the code.

Fridolin Weiner comments:

I don't know if that's what you need:
but i went to
Sidebar (sidebar.php)
I am not even shure if that is that place I want to have it.
(I just want to have it on the right side of the post)

I copied the Code for you

* The Sidebar containing the Singlular Sidebar widget areas.

<?php if ( is_active_sidebar( 'singlular-widget-area' ) ) : ?>

<aside id="singlular-sidebar" class="widget-area" role="complementary">
<ul class="xoxo">


if ( ! dynamic_sidebar( 'singlular-widget-area' ) ) : ?>

<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'singlular-widget-area' ); ?>

<?php endif; // end Singlular Widget Area ?>

</aside><!-- #singlular-sidebar .widget-area -->

<?php endif; // end singlular sidebar check ?>

Fahad Murtaza comments:




* The Sidebar containing the Singlular Sidebar widget areas.



<?php if ( is_active_sidebar( 'singlular-widget-area' ) ) : ?>

<aside id="singlular-sidebar" class="widget-area" role="complementary">

<ul class="xoxo">


if ( ! dynamic_sidebar( 'singlular-widget-area' ) ) : ?>

<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'singlular-widget-area' ); ?>

<?php endif; // end Singlular Widget Area ?>


</aside><!-- #singlular-sidebar .widget-area -->

<?php endif; // end singlular sidebar check ?>

<?php if(function_exists('selfserv_shareaholic')) { selfserv_shareaholic(); } ?>

Might need some CSS fixes for apperance, let me know. if it works.


lalulula answers:

hi, nice blog :)

like all in life, you should simply try and see what happens. Just be carefull and remember exactly what you did, so if you dont like it, you can undo it.

try putting the code under :

<?php endif; // end singlular sidebar check ?>

and see haw it looks. if not try other location within the Sidebar.php file (that is if you whant it on the rigth side of the post).
dont be afraid to experiment :) it is fun!

Fridolin Weiner comments:

i erased the whole page 4 time now, because i didn't know how to fix problems i have caused by just experimenting XD

thats why i pay money now...


Luis Cordova answers:

Ok first of all to make it more slick you have to install a plugin to allow you to insert some widget rigth below the one you already have within your sidebar slot. There is a simple samsarin php widget you can install.

Here is the link to that widget but you can easily install through the dashboard widget
[[LINK href="null"]][[/LINK]]

Second, after that, you go to widget view and drag and drop one samsarin widget right below where you want it or anywhere else you want to display it.

Third, you basically open the contents of the samsarin widget and then just insert the code you were told above.

That is all, the other methods will require you to be an expert or other :)

Fridolin Weiner comments:

This place sadly isn't listed under the widgets...
(Or i just can't find it, but if I insert anything there (like category nothing changes on that particular place, i can just change the top and the bottom of the post...)