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Insert divider between contect text and images? WordPress

I want to insert a divider between my text and then the images. In my posts I have a paragraph of text and then all the images and obviously this is called with:

<?php the_content(); ?>

How can I have:

<the text content>

<div class="divider"></div>

<and then all the images>


Answers (5)


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:

Can you please show the complete code?


Abdelhadi Touil answers:

What about this code explained here:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


isp_charlie answers:

try to use jQuery:

$(".content-class").find("img").eq(0).before('<div class="divider"></div>');


Luis Abarca answers:

You can do it in many ways, here are 2:

If yoy already have the content with images already inserted, you can ise the code provided by Abdelhadi or use jQuery and get all the images, insert each image in a special element below the text content and then remove it from their original location.

<div id="post">
<the text content>
<div class="divider"></div>
<div id="gallery"></div>

$('#post img').each(function()
$('#gallery').append( $(this) );

have a look here [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

2. New content: add just text content to your posts and attach all the images but not insert them into the post content, then show them below the text with a new loop calling all the attached images.


Dbranes answers:

If your HTML content looks like this:

<p> some text above the images </p>
<p> some text above the images </p>

and you want to change it to

<p> some text above the images </p>
<p> some text above the images </p>
<div class="divider"></div>

you can use <em>preg_replace</em> in the <em>the_content</em> filter:

add_filter( 'the_content', 'the_content_callback' );

function the_content_callback( $content ){
$from = '/(\<p\>(.*)(\<img)(.*)\<\/p\>)/i';
$to = "<div class=\"divider\"></div>$1";
$content = preg_replace( $from, $to, $content, 1 );
return $content;