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Insert Voucher code on auto generated email WordPress


Hello, I have a wordpress site using a quiz plugin, once the quiz has been completed by a user they enter a Name and Email.

The quiz auto generates an email to the user thanking them for playing the quiz.

What I would like to do is attach a voucher code to this e-mail, however the voucher code must be unique.

These unique codes are one use only and each user gets a different code, these codes are currently in a .csv file and they look like this: XNMXATZN

Is this something that can be done?

I am looking for someone to do this for me, I will provide FTP / Admin details.

Please PM me with a quote for the work. Ready to start straight away.

Thank you

Answers (3)


Arnav Joy answers:

Hello Ross ,

Yes it can be done , i can write script for it.

Ross Gosling comments:

Arnav also helped me with extra edits to my site, so prize money has been increased.


Sabby Sam answers:

Hi Ross,
Are you looking for something like.

[[LINK href=""]]link here[[/LINK]]


Fahad Murtaza answers:

Sent you a message.