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Import from Excel (*.xls) to WordPress Custom Post Type WordPress



I have an excel file that contains some posts data that I need to import to a custom post type in wordpress.

The excel file has about 200 rows (each row is a post) and couple of columns.

The custom post type has custom fields and I need to assign some columns to the custom fields.

Here is a prevew of the wordpress post:

Here is a preview of the excel file:

I need someone to import this excel file. I can give ftp access and wp-admin login.


Answers (3)


Yakir Sitbon answers:

Where is the preview?

vtimbuc comments:


Yakir Sitbon comments:

Can you send me little this file? just 3-4 rows for seen in the source code self.

Yakir Sitbon comments:

@Arnav Joy:
This plugin import csv by wordpress file. No think its help the open this thread.


Valentin Leyzaola answers:

i can do it in 15 minutes with WP Ultimate CSV Importer, just need the excel file

vtimbuc comments:

Great Valentin.

Send me an email please [email protected] and I will send you the wp-login and the file.


Arnav Joy answers:

see this plugin

vtimbuc comments:

If you think this plugin can do the job, I give you admin to import the posts.