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Implement a Billing number on Woocommerce admin backend WordPress


I need a plugin to insert a new billing number, diferent of order number in woocommerce admin writepanel orders.

What need to do this new billing number:
Need to have a position in the writepanel order page.
I atach a image to be more easy to understand, what is in yelow and red dont exist now need to be create.
This function is just for admins don't exist in the frontend page.

Need to be an autogenerate numbers, and the posibility to change manual the value if is necessary.
The number it will be valid for that Order just after the operator click save.After Save if open a new order page need to see the next number like if was AS 00025 the new one need to be AS 00026 etc....

All this Billing number need to be used by the WooCommerce Print Invoices & Delivery Notes plugin to change the <?php wcdn_order_number(); ?> to the new billing number value.

My skype is : corneliu.balanean available for more info.
I need a price and the time of execution.

Thank you,

Answers (1)


Fahad Murtaza answers:

Hi Corneliu

to better understand, I have added you on Skype.

Balanean Corneliu comments:

Ty I will be back in 1hour after lounch

Fahad Murtaza comments:

Try this as well. It might not be worth the effort creating a custom solution.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Balanean Corneliu comments:

Something like that one but no so complex and with the number to be inserted just for particular orders not for all. And just after Save

Fahad Murtaza comments:


I forked a project on GitHub and here it is

Fixed all the issues with original plugin. Please use this plugin and see what customisations can fit it to your need. I can quote a price then or just ask for a increase in prize here.

Balanean Corneliu comments:

Its not what i whant but we can continue to talk on skype about the new plugin.
I asign you the prize for your talking time. Thank you.