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Img not centered WordPress



Can anyone tell me why the first image is NOT centered in this post, even though it says it is?

I think it has something to do with the caption, but I'm not sure what.


Answers (6)


Kyle answers:

Your link displays a message that says "NEW SITE COMING SUPER SOON!"

ohlivia13 comments:

Sorry, guys.

You should be able to see it now.

Kyle comments:

You have an element style on the image setting the width at 640px, this is disrupting it from displaying properly, remove that and you should be okay.

Kyle comments:

(The actual width of the displayed image is 630px, that's why it there was that extra 10px pushing it off center)

ohlivia13 comments:

How do I remove an element style?

ohlivia13 comments:

How do I remove an element style?

Kyle comments:

Something like this is related to that specific image, so check where you have that one pic inserted into your post content. Perhaps the WP Media screen, that shows the title, caption, etc for the image and make sure nothing is set to 640px.

The key is to find the 640 px somewhere. You can do a css override for that ID, but it would be best to find the root of the problem.

Kyle comments:

Looks like you got it adjusted from 640 to 630, seems to be centered now, does that solve your question?

ohlivia13 comments:

It's not ideal, as there is a backlog of hundreds of posts. But I'm dealing with it.

Thank you!


Arnav Joy answers:

how to see it , it is under construction


Jim Dugan answers:

link goes to:


Are you working on it locally? Is there a public address?


Marko Nikolic answers:


I am getting "NEW SITE COMING SUPER SOON!" message, can not see the content.


Asad Iqbal answers:

It looks centered ! Which browser you are using?


Rowela Alzona answers:

The image is already centered in my end, maybe just refresh your browsers . Press the combination keys CTRL + F5.