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Images not showing in media library WordPress


Hi Guys

I have just exported posts and pages from one to a new one and uploaded the uploads folder via ftp with all the images yet they are not showing in the new media library.

What have i done wrong?

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Answers (3)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Steve

can you check the media path in the wp-config file
I am not sure but it might be one of the reason

you need to follow the steps from the following article to resolve it

zebra webdesigns comments:

also there is an option in the library for finding the lost attachments
have you tried yet ??

zebra webdesigns comments:

Also I advise you to take the backup of the database before doing any tricks ;)


Navjot Singh answers:

You need to change the path. Use Search and replace plugin to replace the paths inside the posts.

Navjot Singh comments:

Ah. Sorry. Misread. Did you use the import attachments command at the new blog? It automatically grabs all the images and associates them.


Arnav Joy answers:

can you copy the url of the blank image that you showed in screenshot and run in browser to see what it shows.