We relaunched our website this morning using Wordpress and everything was working fine. We updated our permalink structure to test something and didn't like the results so we switched back to the old structure. Now, none of our images are showing and they are all pointing to the wrong location.
For instance, instead of pointing to: http://trexin.com/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/img/applying-circle-icn-1.png
It is pointing to
I should also add that within the pages/articles themselves the links are all as: wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/img/applying-circle-icn-5.png
timDesain Nanang answers:
go to Media Setting: http://trexin.com/wp-admin/options-media.php
check the Uploading Files :
- Store uploads in this folder => leave it blank
- Full URL path to files => leave it blank
hermy65 comments:
I do not see those options, attached a screenshot of what i do see. Also, i changed nothing other than ther permalink structure