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Image thumbnail caption on DK theme Galary Page WordPress



Is it possible to display image caption/description on the image thumbnail page (2 , 3 or 4 columns) of the DK theme ?

Also I'm looking for a way of opening a new page when clicking on a thumbnail image.

I still use the DK theme version with the "timthumb.php" as I do not like the DK latest version (without timthumb.php).

Appreciate if you could kindly help me to get this problems sorted out.

Thanks and Regards

Answers (3)


Martin Pham answers:

Hi Kush,
I can help you, but I need access to your-site to do this.


Kushan comments:


Thanks for the reply.

Please check the below link. I want to get a simple caption under each of these thumbnail images.

[URL removed at the request of the asker]

When I click on each thumbnail image, it should open a new page instead of the enlarged image.

I have created a new theme page E.x. Theme5.php using a copy of the 4 column theme page (DK Theme).

If I can get the required code to include in the Theme page and the CSS code that I should include in the main CSS file then I'm fine. I can do this by my self.

Thanks and Regards

Martin Pham comments:

Do you want it shown in the picture attached?

I need to see Theme5.php file structure to be able to get the caption.
Please send this file to email: [email protected]
