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I would like to add a 'print' button to the all posts/ custom post type admin area. How? WordPress



I would like to add a 'print' button to the all posts/ custom post type admin area. So the user can filter their posts/ custom posts and then click 'print' to print whatever the filtered results show in the table. How would you go about this?

Thanks :)

UPDATE: I now understand the best way to do this is to use the new 'bulk actions' added in 4.7 . So don't have the 'print' icon itself. I'm looking to know how I can add 'print' to bulk actions.

Answers (1)


User161391 answers:

hey pollard
Desing before print window

User161391 comments:

Desing after print window

User161391 comments:

<?php $url = get_edit_post_link( $id, $context ); ?>
<?php if($url == '<?php echo get_site_url();?>/wp-admin/post.php?post=296&action=edit'){ ?>

<img src="<?php echo get_site_url();?>/wp-content/icon/images.png" type="button" value="Print this page" onClick="window.print()">
<?php } ?>

User161391 comments:

Put it Down above code in line no: 48
on this file : /wp-admin/admin-footer.php

Matthew Pollard comments:

This involves editing the wordpress core. So it will just be overwritten and lost once wordpress has been updated.